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Tips for creating high converting follow-up email sequences

The world of email automation is AWESOME! I learned email automation through trial and error, researching and reviewing other marketers email automation sequences. It's an ever changing art. I'm still finding new and interesting email automation techniques. This is one area, if managed well can increase your overall conversion rates by 75% or higher. The key to being successfully is finding an email automation platform which matches the functionality you require. I have used a few but I always seem to come back to because its functionality resolves around email follow up sequences, automation and sales funnels. They offer full featured free 30 day trials - no credit card required. Click here to take a look.

I don't cover this area but it's very important to segment your email lists based on user response type or assigned tags. Based on the segmentation, different email content & formats will be integrated in the email automation sequence. In short, you send your list members different follow-up emails based on there response & tag history.

Sample Flow Chart

Below is the basic template TMC uses for setting up a follow-up email sequence for new opt-in subscribers or web site registrations. I hope it helps.

Welcome email Series common questions

Should I have a welcome email series without a product or service?

You don’t need to have a product or service to have a welcome email series.

If you have a product or service, the direction of your welcome email gets clear. You have an end goal that you’re nudging subscribers towards.

But even if you don’t have one, a welcome email series is an opportunity to highlight your brand and your brand values. What are you about, what do you believe in and why should they stay on your list.

How many emails should I have?

You should have 5-7. But if the number scares you, start with 3 and build up from there

What should I have in my welcome email series?

What do you want them to do at the end of the series? Structure your emails so that they lead there and take action on that end goal. Your end goal could be to sign-up for a free clarity goal, to join your community, to give you a testimonial, or share your best content.

How far apart should the emails be?

I like to do the first 3 emails back to back and the rest spaced out a one a week.

Remember that the first few days someone is on your list is when they are the most engaged. So I want to impress them and make an impact within this short time span when I have their attention.

Email #1: Immediately sent on sign-up

Goal: Introduce people to your brand and deliver your incentive

This is where you set the tone for your business and establish who you are.

Having too much information in a welcome email is overwhelming.

No one wants an essay on how great you and your business are.

So the question is: What should you say in your welcome email?

Think about what you want your subscribers to actually do and know when they first sign up.

Here are some elements to include in your welcome email

(a) Bring on the BIG WELCOME

  • Celebrate them opting into your list

(b) Tell them who you are

  • What’s your brand story?

  • Why should they trust you?

  • Who have you worked with?

  • Where have you been featured?

(c) What can they expect from you?

  • How frequent are your emails

  • What type of content do you send?

(d) Tell them to whitelist your emails

(e) Point them to your best content

(f) Bounce them around.

  • Get them to follow you on 1 or 2 social media channels

(g) Engage with them by asking a single question.

(h) Open a curiosity loop in the Postscript (P.S) with a teaser of an amazing tool tip or strategy

Get subscribers to look forward to your emails by opening a curiosity loop in the Postscript (P.S) of your emails

Email #2

Goal: Give value and provide a quick win

You opened a curiosity loop at the end of email 1.

Keep your promise and close it in email 2.

Show them a tool or strategy that you’ve used that’s going to help them achieve a quick win.

This is something specific that addresses a pain point of your target audience.


Email #3

Goal: Tell them about your values and perspectives. Motivate & inspire.

Did you struggle with something when you were launching your blog or business?

Tell them your story and include a specific take-away.

Think through the problems your subscribers have signed up to solve. Then appeal to fixing this problem.

You get why they are here. You are appealing to what they actually want.

Email #4

Goal: Provide unexpected value & surprise. Build trust by sending useful resources.

Point them to a blog post & surprise them with a useful guide & resource.

You’re banking on reciprocity.

They receive a gift for free or get some unexpected value and they want to return the favor. You’re building trust and it’s a good way to build bonds with subscribers.

Email #5

Goal: Give value and drop a subtle nudge in the direction of your product or service

A subtle nudge is a soft pitch where you provide a splinter or preview of your product or service.

You can also highlight your student success stories or testimonials if you have any.

Email #6

Goal: The Ask.

Make this a time sensitive offer.

Have a custom, embedded timer into your email.

Email #7

Goal: Get feedback.

Ask them what they’d like to see next.

You could also use this opportunity to segment your subscribers through a link trigger.





Thank you for reading this post. Please share it if you feel it would benefit anyone. If you need an email marketing automation platform I'd suggest creating a FREE 30 day trial account with


Nick Foley

Digital Marketing Geek


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